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Give your home a beautiful look with the Visum Low Pitch Roof Tile.  These innovative clay interlocking plain tile roof tiles are engineered to be installed on pitches as low as 24 degrees, making them ideal for Lean-to roofs. They allow you to use less batten and fixings than conventional clay plain tiles, saving time and money in installation costs.

In a choice of colours, to create an attractive weather-resistant finish.

All La Escandella roof tiles, fittings and ridges are borne from an innovative production process and high temperature firing to create products with a flawless finish.  

Their precision design allows them to perform at low pitches in some of the harshest environments.

From clean straight lines of the Planum, the high definition aesthetics of the Vienna to the double interlocking features of the Selectum Tile, you’re bound to find a La Escandella clay roof tile to complement your building. These products typically offer high resistance, lower water absorption and flatter surfaces than those on offer from other brands.


Remember, if you need any help choosing the right La Escandella tile or accessory, simply contact our team. We’ll be happy to help.



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